Monday, July 19, 2010


I'll start with the facts. Overall time 5:02:47. 176 out of 2000 participants. 7th out of 107 in my age group. Full results are at:

As mentioned in an earlier post, it's been 9 years since I raced this distance. Forgot how much it hurt. 9 years ago my time was 4:37. Biggest difference was the run. Didn't have much of one this race. Swim was decent, bike was strong, run needs work. 8 weeks to work on it.

The bike was a flat, fairly fast course. I learned this year that when you get passed by a female racer, it's called "getting chicked" I got chicked. Then after a few miles I "geezered" her. Then after a few more miles she chicked me again. And after a few more miles I geezered her again, and I didn't see her after that on the bike. Ofcourse she chicked me on the run.

My inner dialogue was rather active during the run as I slogged forward at what felt like a slugs pace.

"This hurts....ouch....this hurts....why am I doing this? This hurts...ouch...need water...I need a nap...howcome all these people are passing me? Ouch...this hurts...what am I doing?....Mile One? What?! That can't be mile one...feels like mile 95...okay, mile one...12 to go...I can do this...crap...chicked again...need more gu...need more water...crap...there goes another guy in my age group...this hurts...and I'm going to do double all this in 8 weeks?!...maybe this isn't so is really bad...ouch....

I think I need to change my goal to finishing at Ironman Wisconsin. Qualifying at this point seems a bit delusional. My coach agrees. Actually my coach suggested it, and I agreed.

On with training. Next up, Naperville Sprint on August 8.